Building Strong Muscles: A Guide by EnTrack Performance

Building Strong Muscles: A Guide by EnTrack Performance

Building Strong Muscles: A Guide by EnTrack Performance Building strong muscles isn't just for gym enthusiasts or fitness fanatics. Muscles play a crucial role in overall health and fitness at every stage of life. From enabling movement and balance to contributing to physical strength and energy, muscles are essential for living a healthier,...

Building Strong Muscles: A Guide by EnTrack Performance

Building strong muscles isn't just for gym enthusiasts or fitness fanatics. Muscles play a crucial role in overall health and fitness at every stage of life. From enabling movement and balance to contributing to physical strength and energy, muscles are essential for living a healthier, more active life. The great news is that, regardless of age, you can strengthen your muscle tissue with the right lifestyle changes.

At EnTrack Performance, we're here to help you shape your body and transform your life.

Why Is Muscle Mass Important?

Muscles are vital for health at all life stages, facilitating movement, balance, physical strength, organ function, skin integrity, immunity, and wound healing. As we age, muscle mass naturally decreases—after 40, we can lose approximately 8% of muscle per decade, with this rate nearly doubling after age 70.

Muscle loss, accelerated by illness, increases the risk of falls, fractures, and delayed recovery from illness. Therefore, it's crucial to protect and preserve muscle mass.

How to Improve Muscle Mass

Improving muscle mass involves volume, frequency, and proper nutritional building blocks. Whether aiming to boost fitness and training or support healthy aging, enhancing muscle mass takes time. Injuries, muscle imbalances, and lifestyle changes can decrease muscle mass, but we're here to support your hardworking muscles.

Body shaping treatments now include muscle stimulation to build muscle and burn fat, helping you achieve your body goals. At EnTrack Performance, we use TeslaFormer, a TGA-approved medical-grade technology that stimulates up to 50,000 muscle contractions in a 30-minute session. This Functional Magnetic Stimulation (FMS) technology targets deeper muscles than exercise alone, enhancing strength and definition.

It's a painless, downtime-free option for building and toning muscles as part of a healthy lifestyle, training program, post-pregnancy, or post-injury.

Targeted Muscle Defining Treatments

TeslaFormer muscle defining treatment allows you to focus on specific muscle groups in a 30-minute session:

  • Abdominal strength and definition
  • Abdominal separation (diastasis recti)
  • Lower back pain
  • Defined glutes
  • Toned arms

To achieve your body shape or definition goals, we recommend at least 10 sessions, with sessions every other day.

The Importance of Diet and Muscle Health

Adequate nutrition and a balanced diet are vital for supporting muscle health. No single food provides all the nutrients needed for good health, so it's essential to eat a variety of foods. Nourish your muscles with protein and vitamin D to combat breakdown and aid recovery.

Aim for high-quality protein sources at each meal. Proteins contain amino acids, the building blocks of muscles. Good protein sources include meat, fish, eggs, nuts, and beans. Include high-protein foods in at least two meals a day.

Ensuring sufficient vitamin D is also critical for healthy muscles. Low vitamin D levels can cause muscle weakness, and deficiency is common, especially in winter months. Boost your intake with oily fish like salmon and mackerel, eggs, and fortified breakfast cereals.

For further information and supporting research, check out these top industry resources:

  1. Harvard Health Publishing - The Importance of Muscle Mass
  2. National Institutes of Health - Benefits of Strength Training
  3. Mayo Clinic - Strength Training: Get Stronger, Leaner, Healthier

Stay strong and healthy with EnTrack Performance!